Oi-sobagi is a Kimchi made by making cross-shaped slits in cucumber pieces, and stuffing it with a seasonedmixture of chives, garlic and red chili powder. In the past, Oi-sobagi was eaten in the hot summer whenpeople lost their appetites. But nowadays, with cucumbers available all year round, Oi-sobagi has becomeseasonless.
Cucumbers have high water content and known to cool the body. Meanwhile, chives are known to have a warming effect. Thus the two perfectly compliment each other when used as ingredients for Oi-sobagi. Another cucumber treat is Oiji(salted cucumber), which is made by stacking cucumbers in a earthenwarecrock, sprinkling with salt, and pouring boiled, salt water over them. Oiji is salty yet also refreshing andmakes a great summer side dish. Seasoning sliced Oiji with chili powder, minced scallion, crushed garlic andsesame oil will give you Oiji-muchim(seasoned salted cucumber) which has a soft and crunchy texture. Itgoes especially well with a bowl of steamed rice mixed in cold water.
For anyone who craves a refreshing treat during a long, stifling hot spell, cucumber is a perfect snack for itsrefreshing taste and crunchy texture. This vegetable is ideal for hikers, as it slakes both thirst and hunger.
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